EEPIS-Online, the heat of the sun in Surabaya did not prevent the prospective graduates of EEPIS vent their joy ness. Although they just going to be graduated at 13.00, glad smile were looked on their faces since the morning. The parents who want to see their children graduation ceremony was also came to Graha Sepuluh November of ITS, on Saturday (10/10).


The appointment process of the student graduation was beginning as usual with the procession of the entry of prospective graduates. Furthermore, the entry procession rector, director, the deputy of rector and director and the dean of the faculties to awarded a degree to the prospective graduates.

At the 99th graduation ceremony EEPIS is graduated 596 graduates from D3 and D4 program of the 2005 and 2006 period. It consists of 4 departments, Electronics, Telecommunications, Industrial Electrical Engineering and Information Technology along with students from VEDC Malang and PJJ. With 50 students who has successfully reached the predicate of cumlaude.

EEPIS graduated along with the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Master of Technology Management and Faculty of MIPA. To distinguish them, the prospective graduates of EEPIS wearing a yellow gown, a little different with FMIPA prospective graduates for example they wore caps and gowns with dark green accents.

The main event of the graduation ceremony begins the name of the prospective graduates is called and those who has called should move forward to take a diploma certificate from the dean or director and then shook hands with the president of ITS, Prof.Ir. Priyo Suprobo, MS,. Ph.D. While waiting their turn of being called, the prospective graduates do not necessarily sit and quietly watch the graduation procession. Some of them chose to speak with a friend beside her, playing mobile phone, take off and flutter cap because the heat of the air in Graha. Indeed not a few who looked has fell asleep.

Prosesi wisuda pun berakhir sekitar pukul 16.00. Acara berlanjut pada sesi makan-makan atau foto-foto sebagai bentuk kenang-kenangan di kampus PENS

Graduation procession ended around 16:00. The event continues on eating or the photo session in the campus of EEPIS.(dha)
