EEPIS Online,This Sunday morning(November 22nd) EEPIS Campus was beginning crowded due to 25 crews and 20 talented that coming from SAM DESAIN to do shoot for advertising programs. Christian Eka, one of SAM DESAIN staffs stated that his company was doing the advertising for national paper company that will be expanded to middle east country.

“Our ads concept is simply, but the explanations to reality will be
more complex,” Christian said while doing the shooting. To consider the
place, their teams was surveying several place. EEPIS was observed
three times before deciding take the place on Robotics labs, theatre,
and Hall of second building.

    According to the ads
purpose, SAM DESAIN has provided the Arabian talent and a container
provided the shooting facilities. “ We have prepared cameras and
shooting utilities including genset that actually come from Jakarta,”
He adds.

    This event was used by students of Multimedia
Broadcasting to do some observations include learn about techniques
capture images during the shooting process. Budiharja and friends said
their interest to shooting activities and used the break time to make
some conversations to learn more about shooting process. Multimedia
Broadcasting are allowed to join the shooting process(eepispr/mel/ent)
