EEPIS-Online, Student Management Skills Training Basic Level (LKMM TD) PENS-ITS 2010 was held. Activities which contains about management training activities carried out on Friday (19/03) to Sunday (21/03) in Teathre EEPIS.
Advanced level of Pre-TD LKMM were followed by 57 students of 2009 and 2008 was successfully implemented. The event was opened by Drs. Miftahul Huda, MT, as the Assistant Director of Student Affairs EEPIS pattern continued with the material Student Development (Polbangmawa) which was also delivered by him. In the material submitted, Miftahul Huda also raised the question of the role of students as the foundation for the community. According to him, the student should be able to carry out community service activities and make changes towards a better, according to their roles and functions as an agent of change.
All participants of this activity follows a series of activities with enthusiasm. "Participants TD this year is critical and able to convey their opinions in public", said one guide LKMM TD EEPIS, Febri Diana.
The materials provided in this training but must consist of material such as LKMM TD AKL (Analysis of Environmental Conditions), PGA (Initial Ideas description), and others, are also added with supplementary materials such as The Nature of Motivation, The Nature of Leadership and Negotiation Techniques. Speakers also presented at random. Attending the event was former President of the BEM EEPIS, M. Haq and Fat ak Diya ul leading motivator TRUSTCO incorporated in Surabaya.
In accordance with the headline this event, all participating students are expected to be responsive, visionary, trustworthy, ethical and have high solidarity. Ciptian Weried Priananda, coordinator of the 2010 TD LKMM guides will expect the output that appears after this activity is that students are able to continue the struggle ORMAWA EEPIS to contribute actively instead.(dwe/mel)