EEPIS Online, (31/05) PENS for the second time in a copyrighted computer game competitions. After getting successfully last year, now the competition that lead by the IT department is trying to repeat their success. The copyrighted computer game competition is dedicated to all of students in Surabaya. This event is quite attract people concern it is proved by the 24 teams of participants which each team consist of 2-3 people enliven the hall in the second floor of D4 EEPIS building.

This competition was appreciated the creation of creating computer games. Besides to improving student creativity, the competition is expected to encourage students to create ideas of new games. Various types of games was held, some of the games is referenced to the educational, adventure games, strategy games, network games and much more.

In fact, there is 1 team that took 3 games at once.

It is interesting, because you can see the results of the game presentation and it also played live. Moreover, this game has never been on the market.

Lebih menarik lagi juara I mendapat 1 juta, juara II mendapat 750.000, juara III mendapat 500.000, dan diambil juara favorit dari hasil polling peserta dan penonton mendapat 250.000.

Juri dari lomba ini bukan main lagi Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Ph.D selaku Direktur PENS, Dr. Rusminto Tjatur Widodo,ST selaku Pembantu Direktur I , dan Bapak Indraji salah satu dosen Mektaronika, terjun langsung untuk menyeleksi hasil karya peserta.

Hari pertama game dari 24 tim disaring untuk diambil 10 besar pada hari kedua. (su’i)

Even more interesting the 1st winner got 1 million, the 2nd winner got 750,000, the 3rd winner got 500,000, and it is also taken the favorite winner from the polling results of participants and spectators got 250,000. The jury of this competition is no doubt was Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, Ph.D as the director of PENS, Dr. Tjatur Rusminto Widodo, ST as the Assistant Director I, and Mr. Indraji one of the Mektaronika lecturers, join directly to selecting the participant’s works. The first day of the games from 24 teams would filter to the big 10 on the second day.
