EEPIS Online. ABU Robocon 2009 event which has been held on August 22 yesterday in Tokyo Japan is the fastest international robot competition ever held. Although it’s not like the previous years, D4=S1 team of EEPIS had to struggle hard. Beside the weather and habits adaptation in case it’s in Ramadhan, the team has to think smart remembering their competitors are the best robot team in their own countries.
"We re sorry, because this year EEPIS has not succeeded in bringing championship title. However, the appreciation for the team to make extraordinary efforts in the field and has successfully entered the one-eight final, "added Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, PhD.; the Director of EEPIS who yesterday joined the Indonesian team official.
Since the beginning of the drawing, the team had been divided to seven groups, and Indonesian team included in Group B with Fiji and Vietnam. In the second session, Indonesian team had been gone down by KNIGHT team from Vietnam; which passed until the one-eight final as the representative from Group B. Since there were seven groups, the committee decided to choose another team based on the score and performance. Finally, D4=S1 passed the wild card and became the eightieth team which joined the one-eight final.
The Fastest Victory record was achieved by the Dragon team from Harbin Institute of Technology who also became the winner of the ABU Robocon 2009 by beating the Sapientia team from the University of Hong Kong in 19 seconds. While the 2nd runner-up won by the KNIGHT team of the University of Technical Education Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam and the host team, ToYoHaShi*Robocons from Toyohashi University of Technology. 7 Other awards falls to the team from: Japan (best idea), Egypt (the best technique), Hong Kong (best design), Thailand (Panasonic Award), Malaysia (Toyota Award), Mongolia (Mbuchi Motor Award) and Korea (Nintendo Award) . While the ABU Special Award was awarded to China.
"China Robot team is very good and quite interesting," added Dadet. This robot is stable enough in passing the various obstacles. With the smaller design, the robot is seen moving swiftly and uses unique strategies by crossing the forest track (pole) oppositely of what should be in the manual. So travel time is relatively short compared to the original track. The committee was considering allowing that remembering there are no prohibition rules about it in the guide book.
A day after competition, the committee announced the rules and theme for the next ABU ROBOCON 2010 which is planned will be held in Egypt. (EEPIS Public Relation)