EEPIS-Online, August 23th Education minister of Indonesia has awarded EEPIS as the recipient of Eduacational Minister Public Service award 2010. The charter has been given to EEPIS director , Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto. M.Eng, Ph.D directly by Prof. Ir. Mohammad Nuh, DEA as Indonesian Education Minister. This award makes some pride for academist of EEPIS. Due to all elements dedicates to give the best quality of service and keep"Penghargaan_Mendiknas_Jkt._1.JPG" increasing.

Although get the first place at the best category, it is not stop making EEPIS to give the first service. “Due to our based is education. So, all the services intend to education will be the prime priority without excepting another services” Dadet said.

He also utters the information systems that is developed are also taken the great support by academist elements of EEPIS. There are still 9 institution which achieve this national award. The second best result is achived by diperoleh Pusat Pengembangan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PPPPTK) Matematika Yogyakarta. Third is PPPPTK IPA Bandung. The other is 7 more institutions that got the good categories. They are BPPNFI Reg.IV Surabaya, Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan Prop. Jateng, BPPNFI Reg V Makassar, Perpustakaan Kemdiknas, Direktorat PTKPNF, PPPPTK Taman Kanak-kanak dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa Bandung, terakhir, BPPNFI Reg. I Bandung.

Moreover, EEPIS became the Citra Pelayanan Publik(CPP) National Nominator. The government was also doing audition toward Unit Pelayanan Publik(UPP) all over Indonesia. In case to get more information UPP give the best service. UPP audits education, health, manworker, mining,etc. This filtering are determined by the provinces untill get the province best ranks. The province that has the most best UPP will get the awards from government. Despite Citra thropy, the winners will be sent to Jakarta to get the Citra thropy from Indonesian president.(eepispr/mel)
