EEPIS-Online,university graduates are unemployed more and more. We have a wide enough gap between college graduates and absorptive capacity of their employment. The composition of the number of graduates does not match the actual numbers required.

Seeing the dilemma that is often experienced by college graduates is a concern even for those who will graduate, the State Department of Electronic Engineering HIMA held guest lecture entitled "Strategies Tricks graduates JUMP PENS – ITS in the World of Work" at the Theatre Building, Thursday, April 15, 2010 .

Guest lecture that aims to equip students PENS before plunging into the industrial world is often held each year. Whether through JAS (Job Arrangement System) or from the majors (HIMA) in PENS. However, for the first time, State Department HIMA Elka has a different concept. Speakers presented the guest lecture today is the alumni-alumni of Electronics PENS. Those who have a high position in a company or their success fee that is entering the industrial world.

"It aims to make students more motivated to PENS is ready to compete in the world of work", said Dariska as Chairman of the Committee.

Call it, Harry Wibowo. Alumni PENS in 1989 at the Theatre PENS present to explain about the World of Work Competencies. According to General Manager of East operation of XL, one does not just simply rely on the knowledge and skills. Quality Personal necessary to prepare competent in the work world. Own competence has three elements, namely, personal attributes, knowledge and skill. Competence profile used to obtain preliminary description of the company to its employees, build and develop the competencies of employees on an ongoing basis. Then competency profiles obtained will be used for corporate development purposes.

The second speaker was Ruswandi, Representative PT. Abagus Intermindo System. Initially the committee invited Alibaraja as CEO of PT. Abagus Intermindo System. But was unable to attend and was replaced by Ruswandi. Ruswandi telling myself a lot of personal experiences and tips are a success.

"In the live work, do not make money as the main orientation. Keep at work, knowledge and experience also increased," said Ruswandi.

Guest lecture on this day as a success. Students who attend not only from the Department of Electronics. The students from various majors and academic community to come meet the PENS-ITS House Theatre, until no visible kursipun an empty one.
