"donor3.jpg"EEPIS-Online, This morning Tuesday (November 24th) many students were attending the Meeting Rooms at 2nd floor at D4 building. They are enthusiastic to donor their bloods. My Blood 4 Your Life, it is the theme for the current blood donor. This event were pioneered by Executive Students Organizations through Foreign Department in every two years.

    Blood donor was started from 09.00 am. Event was held very shortly. The donors should fulfilled healthy forms. Then do the many kind of healthy check including blood type, blood pressure, hemoglobin percentages and physic checking. This checking spent 10-15 minutes for each person. The blood which is stated safe will be saved until the day it is going to be used for. In this opportunity, there was 100 blood bags got in 4 hours. After giving donor the donors are given the snack and energy beverages.

    â€œ To this event we are conciliating with PMI. It’s not only to facilitate EEPIS students that want donor their bloods. This event has purposed to paramount social soul in students community”, chairperson of blood donors, Muarifin. There was no difficulty when established the conciliation and aid request to PMI of Surabaya.

"donor2.jpg"This event is accepted well by students. Many students will give donor but their bloods are rejected by committee since their blood are not passed by the healthy check. The donor are minimally has blood pressure 110/70 mmHg and Hb percentages 12.5 %. Moreover, according to Dr. R Wandai RMK her part have been rejecting so many donors due to the time is limited. “ The distances of first donor to end donor 5-6 hours maximally. Blood bags should be brought to labs to take the more exam,” PMI stated.

According to one of donor, Mulya Yogi the students of 2 EB D4, he is often join this activity. So many beneficial we get when we are conducting this activity that is being the blood donors. “ I have ever had dengue fever and needed 5 blood bags. After contacting the PMI staffs , the cost of one blood bag is very expensive. We have got the discount if in our family members have ever been donors at least for 5 times,” He said toward his reason to be donors(dha/mel/ent).
