EEPIS-Online, The atmosphere seems different today (03/10). The graduates of ITS for doctoral programs, masters, degree, diploma and polytechnic filled the Graha ITS. This event is very important to them. Formal graduation ceremony held on October 2nd-3rd 2010."IMG_0615.jpg"

EEPIS has opportunity to take on the second day (03/10). The event starts at 09.00. This activity is a sign for the graduates upon completion of their studies on campus. Look on his face looked happy at the 101th graduation of participants of ITS.

This year, EEPIS successfully graduated 514 graduates and 57 of them managed to obtain a predicate cum laude. Alumni EEPIS graduate program consists of D3 and D4. Electronics For D4 program as much as 70 people, 51 people Telecommunications D4, D4 Electrical Industries 60 people, and D4 of Information numbered 110 people. Not only that department alone, EEPIS also pass the first force to study programs of 11 graduate Mechatronics D4.

Achievements reached by students EEPIS very good. This is evident from the number of graduates who successfully obtained a above of GPA. Not only graduated with honors but also EEPIS successfully completed many graduates compared to other faculties. "Judging from the percentage of graduating, we have a percentage more than 96% than other majors. From the GPA, many of our graduates managed to obtain than others cum laude. "Drs.Miftahul said Huda, MT as Deputy Director III EEPIS.

In addition to fourth graduate diploma program, third diploma program also officially inaugurated on this day. Electronics D3 program successfully graduated 40 people, 48 people Telecommunications, Industrial Electrical 55 people, and as many as 69 people Informatics Engineering. Graduates of third also successful by taking cum laude graduate for 25 people.

Graduation is a symbol of the completion of duty in college. But it is not the exactly. This event is a sign will be start of a new phase of life, more full of challenges ahead. Lectures only facilities to achieve future. But more important is how we can give benefit to the community. So not only the necessary academic skills but also the ability of other soft skills. "Learn and keep learning. Learn whatever it is, not only academically but all positive things to live forward. " Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, Director EEPIS said.(mel)
