EEPIS-Online,(23/03) active role of Japan and Indonesia in developing EEPIS in the south-south cooperation, the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) plans to create a 30-minute film about how the collaboration was done.
EEPIS is considered as one institution that successfully apply such cooperation are engaged in the production of this film.
Since Monday morning (22/03) Tim TRANS 7 trusted to work on this film production began to process the image on EEPIS. Composed of 4 people, special teams came from Jakarta to take the survey and location shooting. Gogor Pambudi, D.P. Associate Producer TRANS PENS 7 states as one of the locations of the 9 location shooting plan. "EEPIS only in Surabaya, the other located in Jakarta. Other locations in the UI, BAPPENAS, SEKNEG, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NAM CSSTC, DEPTAN, Embassy of Afghanistan and which would JICA, "he added.
For taking pictures in PENS, they do some shoot in the laboratory as well as interviews. The team was also doing the robot s shooting PENS students.
The plan of this movie will be played at 7 on Pk TRANS. 10 am, on Saturday, April 10 next, through a program titled "INDONESIA TO THE WORLD". (eepis-pr/mel)