"DSC_6817_1.JPG"EEPIS-Online, The beginning of December, EEPIS has done the conciliation to two institutions which is the East Java High Judiciary and State Polytechnic of Samarinda. This conciliation is kind of the forwardness of EEPIS in developing human resources.

    IT Development is increasing highly and it demands the application of IT in every sectors. In the future, the capability of electronic data and its implementation are always close to IT. Forensic Computer and Cyber Crime are really including to this development. So, at December 2nd 2009 the MOU between EEPIS and East Java Judiciary was signed. This event was attended by EEPIS director Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Vice director in relation and communication M.Syafrudin, ST, M.Eng and all functionary of East Java Judiciary.

    â€œ As the beginning of conciliation, we invoked EEPIS to facilitate in helding of computer regulation for all our staffs in East Java, Bali, South East Nusa”, Assistant of High Judiciary Baginda Polin Lumban Gaol, SH. This training will be held in 2nd – 15th of November 2009 concern to Computer Introduction, Web Design and Computer Network.

In December 3rd 2009 EEPIS made a MOU to State Polytechnic of Samarinda toward the Human Resource Development. This program was signed to held the Diploma LJ through Distance Learning Model. According to Mr. M. Syafrudin, ST, M.Eng, this program are related to the KEPMENDIKNAS No. 107 th. 2001 implementation of Distance Learning.

    Nowadays, EEPIS has been conciliating to POLMAN TIMAH Bangka Belitung( in developing of Mechatronic major) and State Polytechnic or Banjarmasin ( in developing Informatics Engineering major) to train the lecturer and the matters also. According to Kepmendiknas no 107, the main institution must contribute to the related institution that can be accessed by the students. Moreover, the labs are needed to establish the experiment and they can manage its own administration progress. The important one is about the good willingness and the independence of students so the teaching and learning process can be established well,” Dadet adds.

    Three weeks online and a week a class or video conference, Dadet is optimistic the process can be established as well.This system are often used in America. In Centre University and Partner University , the students should not to go to the Centre University. And the another beneficial the student can continue their study without leaving their village due to this program because mostly there are hired. The learning process can be established everywhere else through mobile or internet café.(eepispr/mel/ent)
