EEPIS-Online, Back again, Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya maintains the tradition of becoming a defending champion in Final KRI – KRCI 2009, Yogyakarta. Having successfully won on the Regional KRCI KRI-4 at Graha ITS Surabaya, EEPIS returning champion and won many national awards, held on June 13 to 14, 2009 in Graha Sabha Pramana UGM, Yogyakarta.

After successfully subvert SHIRARU (UPI) on semifinals, D4 = S1 from EEPIS finally faced with the Host team, PATRIOT (UGM). Although there could retry from D4 = S1 and nearly being pursued by the PATRIOT, but finally remained D4 = S1 is a successful sounding drum with 3 drums as the victory representation. During the game, D4 = S1 has shown their ability in each game session. The team which contain of 5 persons has always succeed of beat the 3 drum in sequence and always win the absolute top of their rival.

In addition, the division of KRCI – KRSI (Intelligent Robot Contest – Seni Indonesia), robots SRI (EEPIS), which could eventually get the 3rd champion and awarded the best design after doing a dancing which followed by the tune of "Bubuy Bulan" West Javanese folk songs. The beautiful SRI, successfully stunning the audiences with their "sexy" and beautiful performance. Then the Battle of the Expert division, won Ghen_GR champion 3.

From the Single Expert division, Al- Adiyat, is capable of being runner-up. And the two-legged humanoid, T-HEXS succeed of getting the award for best design in the senior division with legs. (ENT)
