EEPIS-Online, Students day off are going on. But it does not work to Students who do the final project. There are 200 student final projects were embelished EEPIS corridor. In case of recognizing the student final projects, this event was done to raise the student confidence. These was held on August 5th 2010 started from 12.00 am to 03.30 pm.
The final projects was also tested before and presented in front of board of examiners. Several majors are conducted to robotics and otomation still being trends nonetheless some students are developing Global Disaster Management System(GDMS). For example, Atik Khoiriyah’s final project got the title of Mitigation System Bengawan Solo Flood and Amarinda Saadah is more showing about mitigation and evacuations. Another some titles explores the same topics for vulcanic disasters.
It is different to Rachman Ardyansyah, Abdurrahman, and Alfian by title FMX or more recognize to face expression controlling system in humanoid robot through simulator. Electronic student made robot’s head that can non verbally communicate or communicating toward face recognition. Starting from upset, shocked, happy, sad, afraid, underestimate. Robot head has been made from fiber by composit process. Hole was made to be eyes. Eyebrow was made to show the expression to be captured by camera. After catching one expression so robot is going to act as.
According to Alfian, his creation has been sent to follow International Conference that will be held in Berlin as part of research team HUMEX and RABBIT. “FMX is a robot that is developed at Indonesia very firstly, or it might be the second after Japan,” he adds.
There are so many final projects in gaming style. Some of education game and entertainment.
Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng,Ph.D EEPIS director that was accompanied by Drs. Miftahul Huda,MT the 3rd Vice director stated satisfied to creation of EEPIS students. Furthermore, he said that this creation will be developed so they will be products that society can use it. Another elements that is being the assesments are inovation, creativity, application, and coorporation with industrial colleage.
The audiences are mostly coming from students and industrial that stated interested to EEPIS student Final Projects. The Committee has provided some reward to all the winners. Certificate of Appreciation and developing fees as for 1st place: Rp 800.000,- Runner up : Rp 600.000,- 2nd Runner up: Rp 400.000,- 4th place: Rp 200.000,- 5th place: Rp 200.000,- for each majors.(eepispr/mel)