EEPIS Online, The holiday before Lebaran is used by EEPIS students to compete their creativity. They are involved in Mading Competition which are held regularly in every year by Kominfo Department of  BEM EEPIS.

Today, Wednesday (16/9), the D3 Building corridor walls are covered by 3 Dimension (3D) Mading. BEM and all the student organization and a number of UKM or student activity unit; such as UKKI and TREC, contribute to this annual event.

A total of 7 Mading 3D competed. Mading was the creation of EEPIS Students, especially fresh students. "With the theme of I Love My Campus, students are expected to love the campus increased, especially new students," explained Zaki, chairman of the Mading Competition committee.

As the competition jury, the committee invited two people from Deteksi of Jawa Post and one of the EEPIS. They are Koko Kurniawan, Mahesa Indra, and Andri Suryandari from EEPIS.

Approximately 15 minutes, each participant presented their Mading. Participants appear enthusiastic explained their creation. Starting from selecting titles, articles, color and layout, they explained all.

After the judging was complete, the event continued with the provision of material from the judges for the participants.

According to Andri, Public Relation of EEPIS, overall, the Mading are pretty good. There is little record of what he conveyed, such as the need to include the source of the article to avoid opinion, always updating the content of Mading, cut manufacturing costs by utilizing the reuse items. This is in order to the participants creativity get increase and can make an interactive Mading.

To support the creativity of students in terms of writing, the media is needed to support their talents, such as Mading. That s the message from Koko. By writing, there are many benefits that can be taken. Writing can help students later on when working on TA (Final Report). In addition, communication can be trained through the presentation Mading. Although the article in Mading usually adapted from the internet, it’s still needed their point of view. According to Koko; the ITS Electrical Engineering students is, "This event can be train us to be able to publish our work later as graduates of engineering," he said.

The last speaker was Mahesa Indra, the graphic designer of Deteksi of Jawa Pos. According to him, the layout of each Mading was less tidy. Still in the standard; has not been able to show character or something different. (dha)
