EEPIS Online – Once again, EEPIS got a proud achievement, this time is not from robot contest or students’ creation but TeSCA 2009 awards after became a nominator. EEPIS achieved platinum award in the category "Polytechnic / Institute / Electronics". Awards are given to the public and private universities in Indonesia that are considered had developed Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Besides that, Telkom also gives special awards in 5 categories. There are 231 universities who follow the second contest held by Telkom. TeSCA is a program that organized by PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk cooperated with Warta Ekonomi Magazine, APTIKOM and supported by DIKTI and DETIKNAS.

The main purpose of TeSCA is to increase the ICT awareness in university community. That s why TeSCA become a ICT branch marking arena for the universities in Indonesia so that it can support the campus to be the center of excellence.

Here s the complete list of TeSCA 2009 winners announced at the Grand Launch of New Telkom in Jakarta, Friday (22/10):

TeSCA Award Universitas category

– Universitas Indonesia (Platinum)

– Universitas Gunadarma (Gold)

TeSCA Award Politeknik/Institut/Elektronika category

– Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (Platinum)

– Institut Teknokogi Telkom (Gold)

TeSCA Award Sekolah Tinggi category

– STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta (Platinum)

– STIKOM (STMIK) Surabaya (Gold)

TeSCA Special Award Innovation category

– Universitas Gunadarma

TeSCA Special Award ICT Growth category


TeSCA Special Award Perguruan Tinggi Islam category

– Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

TeSCA Special Award ICT Leadership category

– Universitas Bina Nusantara

TeSCA Special Award Digitalpreneur Incubation category

– STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta
