EEPIS-Online, Different, Sunday (19/10) at 08.00, Plaza EEPIS-ITS has been busy with music and discourse, faculty and staffs. After enjoying the Eid al-Fitr holiday, this day EEPIS-ITS extended family attend the Halal bihalal of EEPIS-ITS."IMG_0552.JPG"

Event held to coincide with the 10th of Shawwal 1431H aims to tighten the silaturrahim of EEPIS-ITS as well as the right moment to forgive each other. Therefore, seen mostly faculty and staff EEPIS-ITS present with their families.

The event begins with the reading of verses from the Koran by Ust. Abdul Madjid and continued with the opening by the 1st Assistant Director EEPIS, Rusminto Tjatur W. In his speech, Rusminto also raised the question of mutual forgiveness between one another. "One characteristic of the righteous are those who forgive others", he explained. The event is filled with the essence of religious lectures by Ust. KH. Drs. Adib Sa adulloh. Ustad Adib stressed that in life, relationship with God and relationship with humans should walk in harmony.

Halal bihalal is also enlivened by Halalan Thoyyiban band consisting of students who entertain a large family of EEPIS-ITS while cordial. The late appearance, Eko Supriyanto, one lecture assistant participated EEPIS music in comfort with the band with the song Halalan Thoyyiban (Jamal and Ya Sudahlah (Bondan feat. . the great enthusiasm looks coming from EEPIS family while attending a series of events. The event done with door prize for the EEPIS-ITS family.(dw/mel)
