EEPIS-Online, student skill managements was held by ELECTRONICS and TELECOMMUNICATIONS on last Friday until Saturday. This leadership training was followed by 117 students from Electronics and 93 from Telecommunications.
This training has been made as the annual event of EEPIS. The implementation is fully done by each major student organizations. LKMM Pra TD was the annual event for new students. But it is possible for the former attendance class who had never been joined this can follow this.
So many advantages can be taken from this training. Moreover, in 2001 DIKTI has planned this event as compulsory for new students. This training teach students how to adapt and manage themselves in campus. In this training the students get the introducing to major students organizations that exist in EEPIS.
Intention and purpose of implementing LKMM Pra TD as the starting point for new student develop their leadership. Due to leadership skill is needed in work toward the graduators of EEPIS becoming communicative in their job.
Therefore, there was wishes of Chairman of LKMM Pra TD of electronics engineering Windra Bayu Bastian said " I m really wish graduators of LKMM Pra TD can apply their knowledge and can act with good etiquette so they can be good generation that can make electronics engineering can be better".
He said like that due to the the passion of participants are high and they were so active in accepting the matters from guidance. It s not totally different from electronics. Juwita Imaniar as the chairperson Telecommunication are highly wishes that the graduators will be better. " I hope the participants can implement the knowledge and apply that all to their life and organizations exactly. And can also continue to next level that is LKMM TD." Juwita said. (dha/mel/ent)