Electronics Students Association held a seminar with the theme of Public Speaking and Job Interview. Mengahdirkan Drs. Fuad Cholisi, M.Sc., M.phil. as the keynote speaker Effective Public Speaking and Susi Harliani, M. Hum. Job Interview with opinion.

The event which took place in cooperation Electronic HIMA XL Axiata PENS and PT was delayed nearly an hour from the initial plan that should take place at 9am. But disappointment was replaced after the seminar participants himpuanan chairman of electronics students opened the show to replace the head of department of electronics that are not present at that morning.

The event was followed by the first material submitted by Drs. Fuad Cholisi, M.Sc., M.phil. theme of Effective Public Speaking. In his explanation, he explains how to speak well in front of the public also provide guidance what ought to be prepared and to be avoided for dealing with the audience. As chairman of the Center for Language and Cultures of ITS, the professor who was a professor at PENS auxiliary uses bilingual in explaining the material, no other objective is to facilitate and guide the participants to be better prepared if in the face of audiences who speak Indonesian and English. "One important thing at the time of speaking in public is just be your self," said the man who never took his master s in Manchester, UK this.

At the second session, the seminar followed by a speaker who is Susi Harliani PENS ITS lecturer who is better known as an English lecturer. Not far from the previous speaker, Mrs. Cruz who also uses bilingual in providing this material, explaining about the Job Interview material whose purpose is to provide experience and appropriate ways to interact in the face interviews when entering the workforce later. Not only that, the woman who was studying S3 also provides tips on how to answer important questions that are usually expressed during the interview. Video on how to speak well at the interview took place at the seminar also shown. Obviously this will be more possible to deliver such materials.

Enthusiastic of participants nor half-half, they were present to ask questions here so active chat also with a light but serious impression this makes the audience who were present here so enjoy every material presented. Plus on occasion after lunch, held pemagian door prize for anyone who can answer questions that the committee proposed.

According to organizers, the event which has become a fixed agenda for this collection, is expected to be able to nurture the spirit and PENS students better prepared to enter the workforce later
