EEPIS-Online,Tuesday(07/05)EEPIS Entrance Exam registration sixth day (UM PENS) in progress. The prospective new students increasingly crowded places EEPIS exam registration. They have come from the city of Surabaya, there also comes from outside Java.
"Yesterday there was also applicants who came from Borneo. So the applicant is more evenly distributed. "Yetti said, one of the registrar.
They are patiently doing the stages of registration. Begin to take form until the return of the form. Starting the first day of registration, carrying hundreds of registration forms have been drawn.
Applicants come from various educational backgrounds. Spread from high school or vocational school. Assessed as high-quality universities in the fields of technology, do not be surprised if EEPIS ideal place to continue his studies.
"Technology is more advanced then EEPIS institution of appropriate technologies, then I am interested in attending college here," said Ayu, one of the applicants UMPENS.
Not because as a leading technology institution. Apparently, now the people have to understand about the D4 and S1. So they are more glance at this education.
"I chose this education because it can directly continue from D4 to master degree and also the ratio is greater than the theory of practice. So that needed more in the world of work. "Said Priyandini applicant from SMA 1 Surabaya.
When asked about reasons for choosing, Priyandini provide a response. He said,EEPIS is a very quality college education affordable cost. Particularly has advanced facilities.
In UMPENS registration, there are also booths from each department as well as booths from student activity unit. In booth, presenting information on the profile of each department. So the introduction of the existing majors in EEPIS and student activities.
Entrance Exams Given this, EEPIS, hopes to refine the new students who qualified. Those who successfully pass the exam will have a chance to get education on this campus.(mel)