EEPIS Online, After the first round of KRSI, now its time for KRCI "Intelligent Fire Brigade Robot" to have the first round. The game between the wheeler expert division and Battle Expert Division conducted at the same time. As the game goes by, the rumbling of the drums and the audience clapping seems like to have no end. So is the supporter of the UGM is impressed too noisy so that it can interfere with these proceedings.

On the other side, expert battle division has opened with a fight between BANDREX S from Muhammadiyah University of Jember against A_Benk from Bengkalis Polytechnic. The point recorded as 3-16 so the winner is A_Benk.

Djodja X-01 as the host robot fights against the Baby Sitter from State Polytechnic of Banjarmasin. For information, both of these teams have met in the regional round 3. Apparently, the host of robots is very awesome because for now this robot can save 2 dolls. The victory is given to the host team with a score of 28-0.

Batosay from Bandung State Polytechnic in the blue corner and KOPLAK from Jogja (Sampoerna Fundation Scholars Club) in the red corner are compete to save the dolls and turn off the fire. KOPLAK seems still difficulties in the start point. While sliding save Batosay has 1 doll and 1 candles extinguish. Although a little choked up, this third game was won by KOPLAK with 6-0 points.

GA_AssAssin from ITS in the red corner and Oan_Arc from Polytechnic BATAM in the blue corner. ITS with its 2 dolls tweezers have been collecting points 5. Unfortunately finally both teams asking to give up, but the game still won by ITS with 5-0 point.

DU 99 from UNIKOM agaist Telkom NG from STIMIK "MDP" Palembang. UNIKOM was the teams which always being a champion in each division of KRCI steal the audience attention. DU 99 sliding quickly to turn off the fire and rescue 2 dolls at once. Victory for DU 99 with 18 – (-6) point.

Al-Waly from Politeknik Caltex Riau against SAIZA-ne from ROBOTICS SAIZOKU COMMUNITY. Two robots trapped on its own rule and eventually the game was won by SAIZA-ne 10-3.

PENS Ghen_GR from the red corner against MEKAH from the UI in the blue corner. Ghen_GR has successfully saved 1 doll while MEKAH request to retry. Having successfully brought the doll home, the red corner team requested give up. Blue teams successfully turn off 3 candles and then also followed to request for give up so the game was over. Victory achieved by PENS with 19-3.

Finally this battle expert division was closed with AXIOM from ITB in the red corner against Dewo from Unesa in the blue corner. Dewo have collected 3 points. Give up for AXIOM. Victory for Dewo with 3 points and AXIOM loose by -5 points.(ENT)
