EEPIS Online, Opportunities for EEPIS students to join a course for free with IPMOMI. The course was held during semester holidays. The exactly time is when the semester breaks of five to six semesters.

This was stated by Mohammad Syafruddin, ST, M. Eng. as the Assistant Director IV was accompanied by assistant director of student affairs section III PENS Drs. Miftahul Huda, MT today (30/10) in the theater.

IPMOMI gave an offer to EEPIS students to join the course about the power plan. Of course it would be very useful especially when they come into the world of work. "It s interesting, because there are companies that care about the progress of the students. I hope that this opportunity is not wasted because not all universities have the same opportunity. ", Said Safrudin.

This lecture is particularly intended for students from all five semesters majoring in PENS. It is expected that there are at least 100 applicants. But there is the selection process to be served first. In general, selection tests expected to last two days. Starting with the tests do the problems and ending with the interview. Latter 14 would be taken to follow these courses. Certainty of this lecture will walk right vacation semester this year. While the talk show still running, the recruitment process is underway.

PT IPMOMI is a company that handles the Operation and Maintenance generating units to operate and maintain the installation of Private Electric Steam Generator Paiton II units 7 and 8

Although it is not more than 45 minutes, but a discourse that being delivered get a high enthusiasm from the students who attend that seminary. The student looks very interactive when they asked the questions. (su’i)
