EEPIS Online, (24/06/09) EEPIS-ITS students got a guest lecture from PT HUAWEI; a well known company in telecommunication, especially telecommunication infrastructure provider. This event was in EEPIS Theatre started at 00.30 pm and held for 90 minutes. The theme is “It’s Strategy for the Next Generation Network (NGN)” and the speaker is Dani K. Ristandi; one of the HUAWEI representative.

Generally, the guest lecture was about 3 thing; they are trend in telecommunication industry comprehension in the present and future, HUAWEI strategies in NGN, and HUAWEI company profile. It was also explained about the problem being a telecommunication operator in the future; it is how the operator able to give the best services with “value chain”. Value chain is the condition when network provider is only as the service provider, demanded to produce the optimum content and device with the low-cost.

The guest lecture emphasized on how transformation process in industry; especially on telecommunication, includes three things, they are strategy, service, and network. Strategy is how industry looks for the position and new business type; either problem solving or experience. Service is how an industry able to give new service needed in the future by the users. Network is how a industry able to increase the existed services; they are “broadband”, “mobile”, and “convergent”.

HUAWEI it self has product range in some technology fields, they are Mobile Technology Network, Fixed Broadband Network, and IP Network. There is R&D Center in Jakarta, but temporary; HUAWEI Indonesia only supports in Application and Software, it isn’t Hardware yet like the other countries. The reason is HUAWEI consider that Indonesian market hasn’t ready yet because hardware field is more difficult than software. Besides that, the trend that related with the content becomes HUAWEI’s important concern since they are certain be able in taking a better role in this fields. (phie/deka)
