EEPIS-Online, As the time goes by EEPIS has age 22 years. Since the stand was inaugurated by President Suharto in mid 1988. Now it has spawned more than 5,000 successful alumnus and spread throughout Indonesia. Not only in Indonesia, alumni of EEPIS also scattered in various parts of the world such as Singapore, Norway, Japan, America, Arab. Therefore, it is time to build a coordination IKA EEPIS structured and well-organized.

"Alumni.jpg"Today s meeting (28/11) is Pre Meeting, prior to big meeting of alumnus regards the silver anniversary of EEPIS that even in 2013. Program guided by Mr. Firman, familiarly called Cak Firman by the alumni. Kinship atmosphere was felt in activities that bring all the graduates together of EEPIS cross generation.

Then, the first speech came from Cak Sugeng, Alumnus of 90, starting burning spirit of the alumni, he invited to pray for all lecturers, teachers, and employees because of their services , very important role in the success of its alumni. And became the pivot before entering world of work.The alumnus of the telecommunications department is very proud of the quality of its alumni.

"Alumni of EEPIS been very reliable in the world of work, Honestly, the Philips Company I live, they were impressed with the EEPIS alumni, so just write an application, then alumni  of EEPIS will be accepted directly at the company I occupy. "Cak Sugeng said.

The event continued with the election of chairman IKA EEPIS for the first time. The candidates such as Cak Ishyom, Cak Educate seemed very excited. Finally, after going through a very interesting meeting, decided to vote. Cak Ishyom EEPIS IKA was elected chairman of the first.

"Thank you for the trust given to me, and I begged support of all forces to succeed in the birthday Akbar Reuni EEPIS silver to 25. "Ishyom said in his speech.

He is a pioneer of IKA EEPIS. Later on the sidelines of his speech he told that had tried several times to turn on the alumni EEPIS several times because it is plagued many things, finally ideals was still pending. But now that goal has been realized. To follow up this matter, in the form a coordination-coordination by him. Considering it is a step to be taken to EEPIS alumni affairs facilitate coordination in the years ahead. The event continued with the campus nostalgic by the alumni. Feels has a lot of difference impressive than when the era of the alumni are still sitting on the bench EEPIS campus. Capturing photo at red court to close this series of events. (ziz / mel)
