EEPIS-Online, Wednesday, November 10, 2010, there were several students on PENS who wear Yellow Jackets. They are students of the Jakarta State Polytechnic (PNJ) who visited PENS. This group consisted of 127 students of Industrial Electronics Engineering Program PNJ 5th semester and a companion lecturer. They visited the PENS in order STRIKER 10 activities (Excursion Studies Electronics Engineering).
As another visit, before they get around to visiting the PENS laboratory, they were greeted by the Public Relations of PENS, represented by Ms. Andri. After that, they had visited several PENS laboratories.
At first, this visit is scheduled to commence at 10.00 am, but due to some things, then the event is delayed until at 03.30 pm. In addition, because of many laboratories are used for the UTS, this entourage from Jakarta can only visited three laboratories in the PENS. In addition, because of many laboratories are used for the UTS, this entourage from Jakarta can only visited three laboratories in the PENS, ther are a mechatronics laboratory, and two laboratories in Electrical Industry.
Had hint of disappointment in the face of these students in Jakarta when they knew that they had missed a short lecture that had been prepared for them. This lecture was themed robotics that will be delivered by Mr. Indra Aji, who is a lecturer of PENS that expert in robotics. But their disappointment was relieved because Mr Indra Aji willing to provide material about robotics at the end of the visit, although not all students could follow because of limited places. Although the event was somewhat impromptu, but was greeted with enthusiasm by the students in the PNJ robo team.
Ms. Purwanti as companion lecturer of this event revealed very pleased with the visit of this. "I am very pleased and next year would better prepare the visit to the PENS. Hopefully next year we can visit again to PENS", she said. (dip)