EEPIS Online, On Tuesday, July 14, 2009, held at the Old Building Courtroom PENS, signing of the MOU executed between Politeknik Manufaktur Timah with EEPIS. Present on this occasion, EEPIS Director, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, Ph.D and its management staffs and Judi Kristanto, S. ST, M. Eng, Director of Manufaktur Timah Polytechnic and its management representative.

On Tuesday, July 14, 2009, held at the Old Building Courtroom PENS, signing of the MOU executed between Politeknik Manufaktur Timah with EEPIS. Present on this occasion, EEPIS Director, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, Ph.D and its management staffs and Judi Kristanto, S. ST, M. Eng, Director of Manufaktur Timah Polytechnic and its management representative.

This MOU marks the increasingly close cooperation between the two sides, especially in the field of human resource development. According to M. Syafrudin, ST, M. Eng, EEPIS Assistant Director of Partnerships and Communications, Manufaktur Timah Polytechnic will develop the ability of their lecturers in advance education in EEPIS. “The implementation of this cooperation is the advanced study from D3 to D4 for electronic and mechanical instructors to Mechatronics Engineering Program", he said.

Previously, EEPIS also been working with several polytechnics in Indonesia, including Politeknik Caltex Riau (PCR) and Politeknik Bengkalis. (humpens)
