EEPIS-Online, After winning Indonesian Robot Contest last June, Mio_rEi has prepared to compete in ABU ROBOCON 2010 the International Contest of Robots. It will be held at Cairo,Egypt September 20th-21th. The team members are Bayu Sandi Martha, Muh. Ali Anang Lubis, Rahardhita Widyatra Sudibyo, Zainul Arifin, Putus Dadar Gumilang, Aditya Sarjono. They have prepared fo"DSC_5324.JPG"r this competition this two months lately.

Fernando Ardilla, S.ST as the guidance of Mio-rEi said that these competitor will be harder. It needs robot replacement “For the central pyramid, we made the new manual and automatic robot,”he said.

The expecting competitor is coming from China, due to they have the more on speed. Another competitors are Vietnam,Hongkong and Japan. Host team is also preparing themselves to get best in this competition.

Another important preparation are mental and physic. International competition condition will be more higher than national one. “Taft mentally do need in facing this competition and keep on sportive. We must keep being winner.” Prof. Priyo Suprobo the rector of ITS. The similar was stated also by director of EEPIS Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Ph.D that we have struggled on our best, the result would be God’s will.

About financing , EEPIS has been given the support from DIKTI and PT.SEMEN GRESIK. Ir. Suharto, MM the production director of PT SEMEN GRESIK was coming to give the support to EEPIS team. These support was symbolized in a craft. “This aid is kind of the responsibility of our corporation toward student creativity in robotics.”Suharto uttered.

Team was leaving for Cairo in September 17th. But the robot itself was sent a month ago. September 7th the deliverance of Mio-rEi team was held in Meeting Room the 2nd floor of the building. It was officially done by Rector of ITS, EEPIS Director and Production Director of PT. SEMEN GRESIK.(eepispr/mel)
