Multimedia Broadcasting Approved 3 Visits

EEPIS-Online, This week EEPIS approved 3 visits from vocational high school students. At November 16th was started by SMKN 1 Pasuruan. 297 students and teachers was attending to theatre to follow the presentation about EEPIS by EEPIS Public Relation that is represented by Mrs. Andri Suryandari. The students was coming from two majors that is Networking and Multimedia. After listening to presentation they were accompanied to see more about EEPIS by visiting Laboratories and other campus facilities.

As new major, Multimedia Broadcasting was interesting mostly from the students of Multimedia exactly. In spite of the laboratories is new but this laboratories can be stated has complete facilities and has been supported by teaching and learning facilities.

“This laboratory has qualified tools and complete. The practice are really felt like in television studio,” Eko said as teacher of SMKN 1 Pasuruan. In the end, the students can visit the final project and assignments that have been made by MMB’s students(eepispr/mel/ent)
