EEPIS-Online, Thursday(08/05), EEPIS held recitation to commemorate Ramadhan 1431 H. It was held in EEPIS theatre, these was attended by lecturers and staffs. 3rd Vice Director of EEPIS, Drs. Miftahul Huda, MT attended as management representative to deliver speech.

Before scrutinizing taushiah of Ust. Drs. Syu’udi Sulaiman, the audiences were asked to appreciate the Holy Qur’an subsections. Some of them is going in the reflexion.

10.30 on shot. Event was continued to taushiah. In side of handling the weekly Islamic recitation at TVRI, Ust. Syu’udi does also intend to attend the invitation of some Islamic meetings. In his discourse, he delivered the benefits of fasting. The primary is to get the joy and happiness. Sometimes he was also bring some of jokes in uniquely Surabaya accent. It is not only fasting but also strict to charities and sholat. He remained to us to be grateful in the advent of Ramadhan. “We will have not to face in exactly meeting Ramadhan month. So, we do better use our times to worship to Allah very bestly we do, so Allah will meet us in strain of worship people,” he attracts.

These recitation had been going for an hour and closed by praying together and having lunch together.(eepispr/mel)
