EEPIS Online, Surabaya, Agustus 7, 2009. The last day of registration for national Ujian Masuk Politeknik Negeri (UMPN) which was held in EEPIS had a rising registrants. Although the number is not as many as the previous one at July 25 ago; it was 2000 registrants, and now it is 1200 registrants.

"The registrant explosion happened since Wednesday to this Friday ", said Dr. Rusminto Tjatur, the 1st Assistant of EEPIS Director. This is possible since high school graduate, vocational and MAN has followed SNMPTN selection, D3 Test Program, and UMPENS. "The registrant has exceeded our initial target, the 900 participants. But that should be observed here that the interest high school graduates, vocational and MAN to continue to the next level also increased," added Rusminto.

Despite an increase in registrant, the committee is ready to cover this condition. After the 1000 map has been prepared sold out, the committee prepared the backup map as a replacement. The location and the test questions were ready this afternoon for the test tomorrow. About 88 supervisors and head room have also been prepared.

"Usually after receiving a number of tests we ask participants to see the location, so there will be no lateness when the test scheduled only to find the location; just like the previous one," Rusminto advice. The test will not be held in the EEPIS Campus but in ITATS, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim Surabaya. (eepispr)
