EEPIS-Online, after round III of KRSI, the robot competitions continued with round III for KRI. The teams start getting ready in front of the field to compete. The 17th match is between Kujang from Bandung State Polytechnic with LOROATY from Bandung Institute of Technology. When they are started to climb up the mountain, LOROATY was having some problems with the automated robots. It seems that there are something burned on their components. Kujang who had left behind could catch up slowly and reached the check-point II. This action eventually won by Kujang.
The next match is between Pi-kul B2 from Tin manufacturing Polytechnic of UBB Bangka with PHOTON from Semarang State Polytechnic. Robot photon got through check point 1 first. PHOTON did retry so many times when their robots trying to climb up the mountain. On the other hand, Pi-kul B2 trying to boarding. Although has been boarding successfully, suddenly the automatic robot in front of Pi-kul B2 did not want to walk. This game has won by PHOTONS which have reached the check point II.
The 19th match is between PHI COOL from University of Indonesia, Jakarta with MAESTRO-09 from the Yogyakarta State University. Both teams tried hard to pick up the robot traveler. Lots of violations that occurred in this fight, the white flag was hoisted as a sign for asking retry. PHI COOL successfully boarding and reach a check point first. Later on MAESTRO-09 catch up for boarding, even they are able to reach the check-point II, before the time runs out. But the jury decided that PHI COOL who won this game. The jury considered PHI COOL must retry because the offense before reaching the check-point II. Finally, by looking at the speed of boarding time, PHI COOL successfully being the first group.
For the 20th game is between phi_cool from Univ. Brawijaya Malang with SWC-8 from STIKOMP Surabaya. Phi_cool has become the first group which have done the boarding successfully and slowly toward the check-point III. But always have problems when passing the forest area. Until the last 10 seconds, SWC-08 was not yet to boarding. Phi_cool congratulations for a successful win.
Then, the 21st match is between Ghen_LabE from Univ. Bhayangkara Surabaya with K yuh State Polytechnic B imbay from Banjarmasin. K yuh B imbay reached the check point I only on 1 minute 13 seconds. While GheN-Labe travelnya robot is not successfully picked until up over 3 minutes. K yuh b imbay wins for this fight.
The 22nd match is between the P Cool-205 @ STIMIK "MDP" with Dengê DOJA Palembang Univ. Hasanuddin Makassar. Robot-@ P Cool the declared disqualified for robot dimensions exceed the given period. Finally Dengê DOJA easily wins this fight.
The 23rd matches are between AV COM from Yogyakarta with STIMIK AMIKOM SHIHARU from Education University Bandung, Indonesia. SHIHARU has successfully reached the check point III, but the time had expired before he could beat the drum. Unlike the SHIHARU, AV-COM can not pick up their robot travel until it is timeout.
Last game for the third round is ME_COOL State Polytechnic of Jakarta with TOK_3x Univ. Bung Hatta, Padang. Both teams can not afford boarding one minute before the end. Finally, 2 seconds before the time runs out, ME_COOL successful boarding and reach a check point. ME_COOL came out as the winner. (ent / hum)