EEPIS-Online, The first match between Djodja X-01 from the UGM Yogyakarta in the red corner with BANDREX from Muhammadiyah University of Jember in the blue corner was ready to start round 2 match KRCI expert division battle. Host robots successfully turn off the candle and save the 2 dolls. Final score in the first game was 17-0 for Djoja X-01 from UGM.
After that, we have A_Benk from Bengkalis Polytechnic and Babysitter from State Polytechnic Banjarmasin compete each other on the KRCI’s ground to turn off the fire. Although could collide, but Babysitter able to push A_Benk to collide and can not separated. At the end the red team has been known to damage the doll and it is a victory for Babysitter from the blue team although A_Benk has bigger points with 5-3.
Entering the third match, GA Assassin from ITS in the red corner and Batosay from Bandung State Polytechnic in the blue corner. Batosay who has already turned off the fire accidentally dropped a candle. Finally, the jury decided the victory was in the GA Asassin who did not do anything. Batosay considered doing to doing a penalty so that the score 0 – (-5). It is important to know that besides relying on speed and strength it is also necessary to think about strategy in this game considering the strategy is an important factor to beat your rival.
Turning to the match between KOPLAK from Jogja Sampoerna Fundation Scholars Club (JSFSC) in the red corner against Oan_Arc from Batam Polytechnic in the blue corner, they are ready in the field. This game is tough enough eventually won by KOPLAK with 9-0 scores
Robot DU-99 from the University Computer Indonesia in the blue corner and the Al-Waly from Polytechnic Caltex Riau in the red corner. Both robots have the same score; it is 0, so it is drew for both teams. The jury was disappointed of the second appearance of the team, because both teams are predicted to be champion candidates. Previously, Al Waly is the regional champion I.
TeKom NG from STMIK "MDP" Palembang in the red corner and SAIZA-ne from Saizoku Robotics Community in blue corner. The result of this game is 12-6 victory for SAIZA-ne’s team.
The game still continues. Right now is between Ghen_GR from EEPIS against AXIOM from ITB. The result of the match is that Ghen_GR who won this game with an absolute win, so the game must be stopped on 50th second.
The final match is between MEKAH a team from the University of Indonesia on the red side and Dewo a team from the State University Surabaya on the blue side. MEKAH who was aggressive on the earlier game had been successfully followed by Dewo and finally won the game with the score of 3 – 8. (ent/ hum)