EEPIS-Online, Friday(11/26) Safe and Health Seminar are held located in EEPIS-ITS theatre. By theme “Beneficial and Risk For School and Students.” Seminar organized by ITS and DEPKOMINFO aims to promote internet use in a healthy and safe to the various groups that can benefit and add value to the community and avoid their negative consequences.
The seminar was opened by the Director PENS-ITS, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M Eng, PhD, and enlivened by the appearance Saykoji which also was asked to as ambassadors INSAN Indonesia.
This seminar was preceded by remarks from the director of the empowerment of telematics, KEMENKOMINFO Mr. Bambang Soeprijanto, SH, MSc. In his speech, he reveals about the importance of parental supervision of children using the Internet. "One of the causes of misuse of the Internet occurs when the brothers did not receive supervision in the use of the Internet" says he told seminar participants.
In the session material, ITS and DEPKOMINFO invited three keynote speakers. The three were Mr. Andy M. Zaky, MIKTI Executive Director, Mr. Budi Setiawan (Bukik) and Igor Saykoji. The presentation begins by Mr Andy M. Zaky by introducing two INSAN mascot characters, namely FAITH (internet safety) a detective and Ines (the internet sense) a doctor. Mr Andy also mentions a startling fact about the number of Internet users INDONESIA. Of the 35 million Internet users found 64% of them are teenagers aged 15-19 years. The sidelines of his presentation he also plays some videos, one of which is "snail poison video Sprott and jojo" as one example of a young child s behaviour on the internet in the era of IT today.
The participants looked more enthusiastic when Igor Saikoji began giving lessons. Igor began by telling the beginning of the material that can saykoji Depkominfo appointed as an ambassador for healthy and safe internet. Igor told me that all originated from KASKUS, then Kominfo are looking healthy and safe internet ambassadors, and saikoji synonymous with the Internet from online song, so saikoji INSAN believed to be the ambassador of Indonesia. Igor said that saikoji willing to accept the offer as an ambassador INSAN because seeing the benefits of socialization is very good. In addition, Igor is also relates that he was use much the internet in search for references to songs ciptaanya. One example is contained in the song lyrics online. Igor also gave an example of how he learned Beatbox from you-tube until the study found the AutoTune effect of the internet. "So many potential people of Indonesia to take tricky or pick out something to make something their own way, I m sure you can learn it and use it to your future" said Igor told the seminar participants as well as closing material.
At the end of the event held question and answer session with the speakers and also the distribution of dooprize that has been provided by the steering committee. The Summit was closed by the appearance saikoji by singing two songs hits, Online and Narsis. In addition to their handbooks, seminar participants also get a certificate at the end of the show. "Very good seminar, seminars such as these need to be often held for students to increase knowledge about the Internet a healthy and safe" said Qoirunnisa from SMK Al-Islah Surabaya(rar/mel)