EEPIS-Online, Socialization of Student Creativity Program: Robotics, rockets, Nano Satellite and Gemastik 2011 was held on Friday (19/11) to Saturday (20/11) in Teathre building PENS-ITS. About 70 students from various universities in the region IV attend to this event.

"up1.jpg"In his speech, Director of PENS, Dadet Pramadihanto, explained that the seminar which is the result of cooperation between the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) Director General of Higher Education with PENS aims to increase the interest of students to participate in the activities of Student Creativity Program (PKM) held by DP2M Director General of Higher Education. "Hopefully, students who attend this event could distribute the information to the other students on each campus", he hoped.

According to Dharnita, Kasubdit DP2M Student Creativity, students are the future generation as well as the spearhead of the nation changes. Therefore, such a prestigious event such as Robot Contest, Rocket Contest, Information Technology Contest, and Nano Satellite is required to Develop ideas and creativity of students in developing nations.

Materials which provided in this socialization given by the expert. The materials include Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) sosalization by Dr. Ir. Wahidin Wahab, M. Sc; socialization of Indonesia Smart Robot Contest (KRCI) wheeled and legged by Dr. Eril Mozef, MS, DEA; socialization of KRCI battle and Indonesia Load Rocket Contest (Komurindo) by Dr. Ir. Endra Pitowarno, M. Eng; socialization of Indonesian Art Robot Contest (KRSI) by Ir. Gigih Prabowo, MT; and socialization of Gemastik (National Student Exhibition of Information and Communication Technology) by Ir. Wiyono, MT.

In each session, peeled completely about the rules of each contest for 2011. "The theme for KRI 2011 is Larungan, Bersama Merangkai Bunga Persahabatan, in accordance with the theme of ABU"up2.jpg" Robocon 2011, which planed to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, the Loy Krathong, Lighting Hapiness ", explained Dr. Ir. Wahidin Wahab, M.Sc. As for KRCI, unlike previous years which conform with the Trinity Fire Fighting Robot Contest in the USA, KRCI 2011 oriented in Humanoid Soccer League.

Participants who attended this sosalizatin was enthusiastic to join the seminar. According to Medo Kalelodo, this kind of socialization is very useful and adds a lot of science and knowledge. This seventh semester student of the University of Nusa Cendana Kupang is hoping this year can win. "Last year, we were awarded the Best Spirit, this year we want to achieve more than that, we want to win the contest," she said. (dw)
