EEPIS Online, (11.07) SUMAWA III is held in EEPIS-ITS. SUMAWA is the Students General Assembly which was held to discuss the Program Outline BEM PENS-ITS (GBPK BEM). SUMAWA attended by student representatives from Student Association (Elka, TELKOM, Elin, IT), BEM, and all students are allowed to attend this event. Besides BEM 2009/2010 committee, on SUMAWA III was also attended by chief of previous BEM and the general-secretary, Fatak and Tejo. Representatives from Hima Telkom, Elin, Elka, and IT is also attending the event which is the continued from SUMAWA I and II.
GBPK BEM EEPIS-ITS was to discuss about the position of BEM in the relationship in society either internally or externally. DPM as the supervisor of BEM gave the explainations about how BEM should work in EEPIS, so that BEM won’t apply the wrong programs from the GBPK.
It took a long time to discuss it. The corrections were done in every details; word by word and sentence by sentence in GBPK were corrected and set up so that it deserve to be a BEM guideline. Starting with a discussion of the regulations of the General Assembly of Students consists of 12 chapters and 36 verses were clarified one by one. Then the discussion about the BEM work programs outline (GBPK) internally, externally, and special fields covering the entire BEM department. It impressed saturate, but considering the crucial function of SUMAWA in supervising the work of BEM in the future make it becomes an important event to follow.(ent)