EEPIS Online, Some students, seemed enjoy, was assembling robots, frowning a sign that they were being concentrated. While other students were also busy with their laptops. They included some program logics to the line tracer robot which was assembled can run in accordance with the track. That was the atmosphere in the Hall D4 this afternoon, Tuesday (07/10).

Today the robot team selection was held. At 5:30 pm, juries and the participants gathered in the Hall D4. There were two types of tracks that would become a robot path. The one is rectangular and the other one is irregular circle.

Line tracer is a robot that moves by following the specified line in the track. Line tracer can be created using a microcontroller or analog. In this test, line tracer of third grade students must use the micro. Meanwhile, second grade students were free to use either micro or analog. This is because second grade students have not get microcontroller courses. However, some second grade students using a microcontroller in their tracer line. “This is a pride for the committee”, explained Basuki Kurniawan Dwi, M. Kom.

Trajectory shaped square boxes devoted to the microcontroller user. This makes it difficult path as the robot moves straight towards the finish because many intersections are difficult to make sensors to detect straight lines. Trajectory has 3 channels, 1, 2 and 3. Juries are free to decide the start for each line tracer. If the jury says 2 to 3, means the robot should move straight to the point 2 and turn 3 to the finish line. If robots could do so, declared successful.

While irregular circle track is used for analog and micro-tracer, Micro-line tracer can gives a chance for various forms of path. Until late sunset prayer time, many micro robots fail in rectangular track. Whereas for irregular circle track, many analog and micro-robots capable of moving just follow the white line.

There is a Micro-Line tracer success through both of the path. This tracer line belongs to Rodik Indrawan, 3rd grade students D3 IT B. Within three days, he was able to complete the robot by using second-hand. If seen, do not be seen that the robot made of junk. But after a closer look, we could see its constituent materials.

Line tracer robot which shaped Formula 1 car could down every line in the track. When walked on straight line, the robot can go smoothly. Different when it veered; the robot seemed to sharpen the sensor with a little back. Then follow the line forward again in the corner. Similarly, while along the line of the circle, the robot seemed to sharpen the sensor, and then moved to adjust the existing line.

As a result, Rodik’s robot not only can pass on the right track and fast, but also has a unique shape, like a F1 car. The robot has four wheels. According to Rodik, four-wheel line tracer is suitable for straight-line trajectories. The Balance of robot can be controlled easily. Asked difficulties when working on line tracer, he replied "a program to manage four wheels is more difficult than two wheels; we should be able to put together a program that balances each wheel. Also, because working in the boarding house, it is difficult to get some tools that can help manufacturing line tracer, different with working in the lab that provides many tools ".

At around 6:00 pm, line tracer test ended. And then also there are about 40 line tracers that can run on the track. Around 20 or the remainder failed due to various factors. Like a broken wire, burned and other components. All line tracer either a successful run on the track or not were assembled to the selection committee of robot team. (dha)
