EEPIS online. Last Wednesday, on 16:00 until 16:30 PKM-T team was the only team that representing the EEPIS on PIMNAS XXII at the University of Brawijaya Malang who presented his work in front of 3 judges. These three students, M. Firmansyah, M. Masrur, Oxsi Purbaya and Anang P. is under the guidance of Ir. Era Purwanto, M. Eng.

At first, the team s spokesman, M. Vishwanathan was nervous with some of the jury’s questions, but finally he able to take in charge of the situation and trying to stay calm on answer the jury’s question.

There are three principle things that were highlighted by the jury on this competition, that is : a video presentation, effectiveness and cost. It’s occurred on the video which played by the team that they are not really highlighted the lack of real conditions in the field, reminds that they used laboratory as the location. On the other hand the valve application that attached to the tube seems less effective for the tube replacement. Jury recommends that it is better to put the valve on the stove rather than on the tube itself. While the cost factor is still becomes the main problems for household usage. "The cost is still high enough for home use," said M. Firmansyah.

For the team, the weakness above is a natural thing. They believe their work could be beneficial for work scale, although this work is eventually could be applied for the household scale. "Please do modifications and product development so that on the future will be more applicable", added Didik Setyo Purnomo, ST, M. Eng, the head of student affairs units as well as accompanying activities PENS team.
