EEPIS Online, 12:30 pm, 2nd Lap of KRI starts. The 11th match started with the action between ITS (BOLOKUWOLO) versus Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (WIMATE Cong), and was won by BOLOKUWOLO with GOAL at 01:04 minutes left.

The 12th match was ELKA_06 (University Negeri Makassar) versus Zhafarul (Muhammadiyah University of Malang). No one could lift cargo until the last minute. Consequently, there was no point because they have not managed to get boarding. Although both of the teams have not got boarding, but the blue team ran further than the red team.

Ghen_LabE (Ubhara) as a blue team slowly but surely has reached the 3rd check point and R-PNM (Politeknik Negeri Malang) as a red corner could not be boarding at all. Small robot automatically, Ghel_LabE, was error, it should be walking towards the drum instead away from the drum. Nevertheless, Ghen_LabE won, because has reached the 3rd check point. AFLACH (Trunojoyo Unversity) versus Catamaran (PPNS), both were still blocked. However, the jury decided CATAMARAM won the game because succeed to reach the 1st check point.

NK@D against D4=S1 (EEPIS) from Group E. Better than previous appearances, the D4=S1 team out the latest record 51 seconds without re-try. Meanwhile NK@D was far behind at the 1st check point. Phi_cool (Brawijaya University) against DENGE DOJA (Hasanuddin University). It is won by phi_cool although repeatedly failed over the mountain.

PEAK_COOL (Jember Polytechnic) against Rengganis (Unesa). Although repeatedly failed, Unesa has passed the 2nd check point and has tried many times to get the trees.

From overall of 2nd round, almost robots were unstable conditions. Many robots fell when ascended the mountain. Even so, they were still trying to finish the game well. (ENT)
