EEPIS-Online, Final Expert Battle Regional IV begins with the struggle of the third champion between BANDREX S (Uiversitas Muhammadiyah Malang) with Dewo (Universitas Negeri Surabaya). Audience interest in watching this festive finals match. Yells resounded in every corner of the third floor of Graha ITS building.
The struggle of the third champion is quite exciting. The robots of BANDREX S and Dewo are equally likely to win. They had found the target to put out the candle. However, what had happends happens, the two robots are not able to extinguish the candle. The seconds ticked away. Until the end of three minutes no robot is able to extinguish the candle. Finally, the jury decided BANDREX S as the winner, because they are successfully walk in advance and greater distance than Dewo.
After the third champion match over, the final KRCI Expert Division Battle of Ghen_GR from EEPIS against GA_AssAssin are held immediately. The game went pretty tough. Ghen_GR could lead to the first moving toward the target child. But when they had closer to the baby s room, Ghen_GR was having problems with hit the candle. Finally the robot could not walk anymore. GA_AssAssin followed slowly but sure toward the target and able to save the baby and turn off some candles.
Toward the success, GA_AssAssin return the baby to the safety place, but there is a problem. The robot repeatedly hit the wall and causing the baby s fell. It s a shame that 5 points achieved due to saving the baby s are lost because the doll has fallen down. Many penalties that occur in this final round. GA_AssAssin a -2 penalty because extinguish the candles outside the white lines. While Ghen_GR got a -8 penalty for hitting candle and extinguish candles outside the white lines.
Finally, this final match was won by the GA_AssAssin from ITS with the final points of 5 and Ghen_GR PENS -8. GA_AssAssin entitled to reach the highest platform of KRCI Expert Battle Regional IV Division. "We have made the robot for a year before this grand event, and we did not expect to beat EEPIS", said one member of the team GA_AssAssin.(ent)