EEPIS-Online, For the first time, besides KRI / KRCI, this year will be Art Indonesian Robot Contest (KRSI). Especially for KRSI, there will be no regional-level selection, the team who is consider as the qualified team for this game will directly competing in the national contest in GSP UGM Yogyakarta, 13-14 June.

In this KRSI, robots will be assessed by the harmonious movements with the music. Robots will did a jaipong dance by following the Bubuy Bulan. They were given 3 minutes to show their skill in jaipong dancing on circular field.

There are 12 teams from all over Indonesia who passed the final stage and will compete later. EEPIS with their robot, SRI, became one of the 12 teams that can join to the national level. The team is composed of: Arif Darmawan (3 EB D4), Ahmad rozaq (3 EA D4) and Sugeng Priyono (2 Meka D4). All three students are from Electronics Department.

As mentioned on the preparation team, Arif state that generally their robot is 90% ready. "The robot hardware is ready, but for the software still needs some improvement. We have done field trials and continue to evaluate the robot to synchronize movement with the song ", said Arif. For him, this is the main difficulty in making robots KRSI.

All the components which used for the robots that belongs to Mr. Bima Sena, S. ST is a homemade, with no one to buy from outside. That is the one thing that becomes its own satisfaction for KRSI PENS team members.

Besides the robot preparation, the team was mentally ready. Although this became the first and no experience, references or examples, Arif still believes that they can do this. The high optimism for being a winner has been etched on their soul. Spirit and hard work and sacrifice their time to be a trigger to bring the KRSI trophy for the EEPIS. The most important thing of their confidence to be the best is because they consider the development of robots ahead of getting better.

Preparation of the robot has been started in December last year. SRI they take as a name for the robot because it is easy to remember and reflect the name of his native region, East Java.

The successful of KRI team on maintaining their champion title, how about KRSI? We wait for their actions!(dha)
