EEPIS online, after lose in the semi-finals between RENGGANIS and Ghen_LabE were brought together again in round III championship. Known that these two robots are both potentially to be the third champion, it can be seen when both of them have reached check points 3 on semi-finals. At first, RENGGANIS precede Ghen_LabE until past the tree. But unfortunately, the traveler fell when carried.

The situation is getting more and more tense, because both are through the tree together until RENGGANIS fall back and should retry to check point 2. Ghen_labE is leading even though the machine suffered a little walk out finally they could exceed Unesa and achieve victory drums. Their traveler has beaten the third drum perfectly swift.

Akhirnya kemenangan ada di tangan UBHARA. Namun, meskipun UNESA tidak mendapat juara tetapi UNESA tetap meluncur ke Jogja untuk bertanding tingkat nasional sebagai 5 tim terbaik.

Finally, victory was in UBHARA s hand. However, even Unesa can not be a champion but Unesa still sliding to Yogyakarta to competeon the national competition as the 5th best team.(ent)
