"bantuan_TA_huawei_2.jpg"EEPIS-Online,EEPIS best student competition was completely finished on November 19th 2009. Through this program , there was six finalists of EEPIS Best Student Competition(Indonesia: Mawapres). Mawapres is kind of competition held to select the best student all over EEPIS. This competition gained several units and all major in EEPIS. Assessment criteria according to several aspect such as the academic achievement, the achievement in talent and the intellectual achievement. Intellectual achievement is including the researches or paper.

    â€œThis event is facility for selecting EEPIS students that have qualified ability. Not only qualified in academic but also in contributing in organizations even in regional, national, international competition,” Miftahul Huda said as third Vice Director of EEPIS.

 There was five selections held. Registrating, Portofolio selecting,
Establishing and Presentate of paper, Interview and Winner
Announcement. There was 61 students joining this competitions. 8
students passed to Presentation session.

    According to the adjudicators meeting, The best students are
hereby stated by SK Direktur Nomor .0902/N12/KM/2009. There is names of
EEPIS best student of 2009

Champion    : Taufan Harsilo Ardhinata     (7407040030)

Runner Up    : Anintiya Maharani        (7307030019)

2nd Runner Up    : Bayu Prasetiyo         (7106040028)

3rd Runner Up    : Setya SW            (7306040010)

4th Runner Up    : Nurhayati            (7206040043)

5th Runner Up    : Indhika Pradana Putra    (7107040048)

    â€œ Hopefully, this event can give more motivations to all
students to be more achieving achievements in all sides, because this
event will be held annually,” Third Vice Director stated(dha/mel/ent)
