EEPIS-Online, Monday August 23rd 2010.After going through a long evaluation process ultimately Kemdiknas Public Service Award in 2010 fell into the hands PENS. Charter submitted directly by the minister, Prof. Ir. Mohammad Nuh, DEA to the Director-PENS, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto. M. Eng, Ph.D. Wednesday, August 18th. This award brings pride for the academic community is necessary PENS considering the entire academic community awareness to promote quality services and always seek to improve.

Although superior to the results of the first rank for the category very well, then do not make PENS stop repair service. According Dadet, this would be a milestone in the beginning how the quality of service in various fields in the PENS should be preserved and enhanced. "Because our base is so educational services related to the academic field is a top priority alongside other services are also not less important," he explained. According to him, management information system developed PENS contribute to this assessment, in addition to support the entire academic community.

"Penghargaan_Mendiknas_Jkt._1.JPG"Together PENS there are 9 other institutions who also received this national award. For the second category Excellent results obtained Empowerment Development Center for Educators and Education Personnel (PPPPTK) Mathematics of Yogyakarta and is the third best achieved by PPPPTK IPA Bandung. In addition there are 7 other institutions which also won awards for both categories, including consecutive BPPNFI Reg.IV Surabaya, Prop. Education Quality Insurance Agency. Central Java, Makassar BPPNFI V Reg, Library Kemdiknas, Directorate PTKPNF, PPPPTK Kindergarten and Special Education in Bandung, most recently, BPPNFI Reg. I Bandung.

In addition, PENS also was nominated image of Public Service (CPP) National level. Previously, the government conducted an audit image of Public Service (CPP) against several Public Service Unit (UPP) in Indonesia to determine the extent of UPP provide best service. UPP is considered among the field of Education, Health, Labor jobs, Mining, etc.. This filter was then divided again based on the province to achieve the ranking of per-province. Provinces with the largest number of UPP winner will also get an award from the government. In addition to their Citra trophy, the winner will also be sent to Jakarta to accept direct Citra trophy from President Yudhoyono.(eepispr/mel)
