EEPIS-Online, It was less striking, if the robotic campus do not organize students robotics event. Managed to gain a big event in 2009, now the Electronics Student Association of EEPIS organize the Java Robot Contest, at the Center for Robotics ITS Building (12/18) for students and students throughout Indonesia. Robotics competition was followed by 478 teams, divided into three categories, namely category of student, students, and general. Categories student s own race is divided into 2 divisions namely analog and robosoccer tracer line, while for the student category is contested is the online division micro tracer, and for the general category, provided dota and photography competitions. With the theme "My Robot Is My Pride", the participants take turns racing trophy minister. This grand event was officially opened by Mrs. Chandra Kasubdit Darnanti Student Creativity Program Events Calendar, as representative of the minister Muh.Nuh who was unable to attend. This competition is scheduled to last for 2 days (18th -19th of December).

"pembukaan_1.JPG"If last year the scope of participants was limited to East Java, this year organizers spread its wings to Indonesia. "We want to give opportunities to friends in the homeland, to megikuti this contest, so they can deliver the capabilities and potential, especially in the field of robotics," said Rizki Yoga, chairman of the committee JRC 2010.

Events JRC 2010 was officially opened with a symbolic ribbon cutting by Ms. Chandra Darnanti as representative of the Events Calendar, and accompanied by 3rd Vice Director of EEPIS-ITS, Drs.Miftahul Huda, MT. "This year one group of students from the EEPIS-ITS managed to win the PMW (Student Entrepreneurship Program) from Higher Education in the field of robotics training program for students in a Surabaya", said Drs Miftahul Huda, as 3rd Vice Director of EEPIS -ITS in his speech.

He also added that the leaders of PTN should have a commitment to encourage its students to achieve them is with a financially supported.

JRC 2010 is a robotics contest for students and students with the highest number of participants line tracer throughout Indonesia. In a way, the number of participants this year JRC booming, even exceeding the expected target of the previous committee, a total of 478 teams from various cities in Indonesia is party to enliven the JRC 2010.

Robotics developments in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya are very fast. EEPIS students also took part in socializing student robotics environment elementary, junior high and high school in Surabaya. Not only students who follow the spirit of this contest, even elementary school students did not want to lose. Together with co-teachers and parents, the contestants are very enthusiastic about taking this little race.

"I am proud to join this competition because the robot can know about electronics and could make his own robot, " said Nabil Budiman, 5 th grade participants 15 Surabaya Muhammadiyah. Nabil and his team is one of the participants categorized the student, the field line tracer analog. The atmosphere becomes more festive race because of their presence.

To enliven the event provided some entertainment such as the appearance of indie bands, ice cream and soda party, Expo business students, etc.. Today is a preliminary round of competitions in each category, and the plan tomorrow (12/19) held the final round at the same time winner announcement JRC 2010.(rar/sui/mel)
