EEPIS-Online, EEPIS-ITS increasingly expanded its creativity in technology, proven to four students. EEPIS-ITS Surabaya managed to make KLBGS1 (Electric Vehicle Auxiliary Empowerment Generation Solar Cell 1). This vehicle is one of the final project students majoring in electrical mekatronika.Kendaraan auxiliary power solar cells are highly energy efficient and friendly lingkungan.Karena main fuel these vehicles is this matahari.Kendaraan light can travel a distance of 40 km with a speed of 30 km / hr. Unique thing that distinguishes this vehicle with the motor vehicle is a vehicle usually uses double springs located near the front and rear, so it felt comfortable when driving, but it is also using technology vehicles power steering that make these vehicles easier to turn, this vehicle is also equipped with disc brakes, and use the electric motor so it is more simple and efficient.
Also KLBGS1 also has another feature that is using two systems of works, the first working system like regular motor vehicles that can be regulated gas and also use one other additional system that is cruise control system so that vehicles can run constantly without gassed many kali.Pembuatan KLBGS1 itself is divided into four sections, each section was done by a student
1.Electronic Control Unit (ECU): Desmas Patriawan
2.Power Steering: Gita Pramana
3. Solar Cell Charging Sytem: Aneke Herdalira
4. Rear Wheel : Moch.A Salim
Making this KLBGS1 needs less than one and a half years, "The most difficult is to get an idea pembuatanya" said Salim, one of the creators KLBGS1 ini.Selain the funds for making this KLBGS1 is quite expensive at 10 million rupiah. Salim expressed his wish to be able to mass produce this vehicle for to benefit the people of Indonesia and in order to reduce air pollution in Indonesia. "Hopefully there will be future generations of this KLBGS1 that can make a more intelligent system," Salim said.(rar/mel)