EEPIS-Online, To be well known as a center of excellence in the field of robotics in Indonesia is believed Dikmenjur (Intermediate Vocational Education) to build two vocational students who will follow the world skills competition in London in the field of mobile robot competition. They are resignation and Deni Setiawan of SMKN 5 Makassar. Previously both the smart student won a championship in the National Vocational LKS in the field of mobile robot competition.

Both these vocational students successfully assemble a multifunctional robot, which they berinama Robotino. This robot can walk dilintasan line tracer, playing ball, put out the fire, and also find a way out dilabirin. They claim to settle a homemade robot and its pemrogramanya only takes 2 hours.

The plan they will undergo training in PENS-ITS for 9 months (January to September). And 5-8 October, they will travel to London in the event the World Skill Competition, 2011 and will be against teams from 17 other countries in the world.

They hope to bring home the gold medal for the nation to it the name in the arena of the World Skill Competition in 2011. because we ve been entrusted to represent Indonesia, so it should be able to provide the best for Indonesia, said Denise and Trust. (rar / dip/mel)
