EEPIS-Online, Wednesday through Sunday (16.02 – 20.02) at Youth Lodging Surabaya, Jl. Hamlet Kupang XV no. 52 carried out a series of activities Student Management Skills Training Intermediate Level (LKMM TM) III EEPIS-ITS. This activity is a continuation of development activities softskill students, LKMM Pre-Primary Level (Pre-TD) and LKMM Elementary Level (TD).
LKMM TM is an activity that provides training materials on Organizational Management both theoretically and practically. A total of 16 student activists in the organization of the 4 majors EEPIS EMPEROR titled follow this activity. According to the coordinator guide LKMM TM III PENS, Sharif, the theme is a combination of activities EMPEROR Mobilized Encouraging words, Participle, Reactionary, Organized, and Reliable. By following LKMM TM is expected that all participants can be a student who strong, the language used to describe the team Garuda student wizard is powerful, and able to apply knowledge acquired during training. Thus, it is expected that all participants are able to develop an organization that was involved.
Material must LKMM TM III PENS is Condition Analysis Organization (Ako) and Organization Development Plan (RPO). Each material was divided into 2 sessions, namely the delivery of material with a discussion session and simulation sessions. After getting the matter, it is expected the participants to analyze the condition of an organization in an objective and logical as well as to determine the appropriate organizational development measures for each state of the organization.
In addition to the material required, participants also receive additional materials to develop knowledge and insight, such as Scientific Discussion Ethics, Conflict Management, Organization Itself, WorkStyle, Mentality and Character Ideal Student EEPIS-ITS, Out of the box and Strategic system thinking, etc.. In addition, there were also the President of the Jakarta State Polytechnic BEM (PNJ) and Minister for Public Policy in the UB BEM as a keynote speaker at the session comparison study. According to Nuzulul Kirom Dalu, President BEM ITS in his opening remarks, students should be able to provide benefits not only for the campus, but also for the wider community, and alumni are expected LKMM TM can be a pioneer of the movement. (dwe/mel)