EEPIS-Online, EEPIS-ITS expand Internationally. Having successfully won various national and international robot contest, EEPIS-ITS are now having various cooperation with the International Higher Education, one of which is with the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC). Yesterday (8 / 1) at D4 courtroom held the signing of the cooperation program of "student mobility" between EEPIS-ITS with NPIC with SEAMOLEC.
In this program would be conducted student exchanges between students EEPIS-ITS with students NPIC. The plan by mid-March there will be 11 people NPIC students from several majors (Mechanic, Electricity, Electronics, Software and computer engineering) in the EEPIS-ITS. They will receive lectures both theoretically and practically for six months.
Beside studying the field of study as their respective majors, students will also learn about the culture and Indonesian language. "The plan of students involved in student mobility program will get a dual degree certificate from the EEPIS-ITS and NPIC, but this will be discussed further in the future again.", said Ir.Dadet Pramadihanto M. Eng, PhD, as Director EEPIS.
After discussing the cooperation, the activities followed by a visit a few laboratories in EEPIS-ITS, such as automatic control laboratory, laboratory of computer networks, and many more.(rar/ita/mel)