EEPIS-Online, Thursday (10 / 1) at Theatre Building EEPIS-ITS held a seminar on "Prospects Full vehicle without crew" with keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Ir. Muljowidodo as the head of the lab automation and robotics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace ITB and Mr Syaiful KEMENRISTEK Irwan of Indonesia. The seminar was moderated by Mr. Endra Pitowarno as kajur Mechatronics Engineering EEPIS-ITS was attended by about 100 participants consisting of lecturers, students and employees of the EEPIS-ITS and ITS. Also attended EEPIS-ITS Director Ir Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, PhD and Assdir I, II, III and IV in the seminar.
The seminar is a continuation of nano satellite seminar ever held by the EEPIS-ITS year ago (19/10/2010). This seminar aims to provide knowledge to the participants who came from PENS and ITS on the development of nano technology, satellites and unmanned technologies in the field of defense. Expected next lecturers and students to develop or even to create their own advanced technology they will be, because EEPIS and ITS trusted to develop the technology area of eastern Indonesia.
In his presentation Prof.Dr.Ir. Muljowidodo explain the material on the development of defense robots in the world and in Indonesia. The development of robotics technology. The field of defense are highly sophisticated and Indonesia have been quite far behind in that regard, it is proven of Americans who have successfully developed a Tomahawk cruise missile combat aircraft since 1990, even now been updated with a shaped design stealth cruise missile that caused the difficulty rocket to be detected either at launch or during flight. In addition, America and Russia is currently also developing long-range ballistic missile and cruise with jet turbo booster system.
For now the field of defense technology is used in Indonesia are still using medium-scale equipment that is still left with developed countries like America, Japan, Russia, Australia, Korea and even Malaysia. A State will be strong if it is supported with advanced technology and sophisticated defense. in future wars are already using technology such as unmanned who recently performed by buying unmanned combat aircraft F22 Hornet, he said. He also added that in doing a research paper not only alone but must be seen the results and can be applied to the public.
The seminar continued with a brief explanation of KEMENRISTEK Indonesia, represented by Mr Syaiful Anwar. In this time we hope that can bring beneficial to his fellow students and to give a picture as well as to increase knowledge about defense technology developed at this time he said. She also explained that KEMENRISTEK encourages researchers and academics to make research results can eventually be used by the public and academics. (rar/mel)