EEPIS Online, Sunday (13/03) Grha Sepuluh Nopember – Intitute Technology of Ten Nopember (ITS) filled with thousands of the graduates since morning untill afternoon. In that place, there was held the 102th Graduation Ceremony of Doctorate, Masters, Bachelor, Diploma, and Polythecnic Programme of ITS for odd semester graduates. Graduation Ceremony was devided into two sessions, the first ceremony started at 08.00 WIB, while the second ceremony starts at 12.30 WIB.
All the graduates looked down solemnly when Padamu Negeri song echoed at Grha after the Oath talking by all graduates. Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, MS, PhD as the Rector of ITS congratulated all the graduates who have passed and ordered all graduates to always remember ITS in the heart by making a real contribution to the nation. "Whatever choice that will be chosen, I believe a graduates of ITS will be able to give colour to build Indonesia," he said. In his speech, Priyo also apologized for any mistakes when leading ITS for this 4 year, because on April 13th, 2011 he will shed his title as the Rector of ITS.
The ceremony was closed with a prayer after the Rector gave a symbolic gift to the Chairman of IKA ITS and the awards for the best graduates. (dwe)