EEPIS-Online, Saturday(4/16) it was about 200 participants from the various state university and private university in Surabaya attended to Teater of EEPIS. They come to join on Eagle Awards 2011 Roadshow was conducted by Metro TV coorporating with EEPIS through Multimedia Broadcastng study program.

This event was divided to two sessions. The first is coaching clinic and followed by the screen of the winning documentary film at previous year. Before coaching clinic, there was the speech of Jastis Arimba as the Eagle Awards 2011 producer and Ir.Dadet Pramadihanto,M.Eng, Ph.D as the Director of EEPIS.

In this part of coaching clinic, there was the elaboration of documentary film all about. Making representative documentary films, it is about how to fill the Eagle Awards form of proposal. This session was delivered by M.Abduh Aziz dan Hadi Winarto from Metro TV.

The participants seemed very enthusiasm in following the seminar. Many good responses in discussion sessions. In the middle of seminar, Lianto from Metro TV gave tips about main aspects in joining Eagle Awards Documentary Competition(EADC). The points are the good usage of Bahasa Indonesia to be well informed. The corporation between director and sources are important. Commitment when they are chosen to be the winner of Eagle Awards.

In the second part of session, participant was watching the winners of previous year of Eagle Awards. The film was Kepala Sekolahku Pemulung directed by Jastis Arimba, Film was telling about the principal of elementary school who has side job as scavengers to full up his daily needs.

Not only that film above, Gubuk Reyot Diatas Minyak International telling about the poverty of oil miners. The condition of elementary school building of Wonocolo that is lack in the International Crude Oil Mining Area, Cepu, Bojonegoro. Therefore, Gorila Dari Gang Buntu was also played and Helper Hongkong Ngampus.

This seminar was ended by discussion time moderated by Yuni. The director of Helper Hongkong Ngampus was successfully led this interactive session. The competition has theme Bagimu Indonesia registration has opened from April 5th to May 13th 2011. Proposal form can be downloaded
